Thursday, June 16, 2016

Time 2 (to) (too)

Sometimes, time works to your advantage. Other times, not so much. In owning a home, time can be an advantage in that over time, you build equity and worth, through decreasing principal and increasing value (you hope). Of course, time works against you as well as paint peels, furnaces break down and grass grows. Time also takes us on, and takes it's toll. I've had a bum knee since Junior High School and it has been biding it's time deciding that a good time to flair up would be as we move and begin to work on our new home. The good news is that time has not affected my head or my heart and I still believe I can do anything I need, bum knee and all.

Geno and I enjoying dinner at Oaks Inn. 
Time however, has cost us, taking First Father In Law and #1 house painter Geno. Cindy's dad waged and epic struggle against the rare disease that infected him, steadily improving, defying the odds and those who said he would not improve. Sadly, he could not fight time and his age caught up to him. A secondary infection overwhelmed him and he could not fight on. His desire to help and gentle honor came from another era, a rare commodity today. I should never grumble about work after watching him climb ladders, carry branches and haul equipment well into his 80s without complaint. He was a good man and will be missed by many.

All set up for the baby shower.
Time has become a rarity and precious commodity. While the care for and tragic passing of Geno has taken time from us (especially Cindy), joyous family events have also pushed the house to the back burner. A baby shower brought my side of the family together at my volunteer fire house last weekend. Niece Susan and her husband Colt are having their first baby soon and a wonderful celebration of this event was hosted by my sister Karen. It was great seeing friends and family come together. I enjoyed myself thoroughly cooking spiedies and sausages at the grill. Next up at the end of the month is a wedding outside of Syracuse as Cindy's cousin gets married. Then, another big wedding in Montana over Labor Day. As time passes, it brings us both joy and sorrow.

Using my pick mattock to remove roots and stumps.
There has been some time to work on the house. Latest accomplishment was to finish removing the old bushes from the north lawn, and to remove some of the stumps and roots in front of the porch. I'm happy to say the grass is growing nicely there and will need to be mowed soon, so all final obstructions must go. A spell of dry weather has made outdoor work easier, but necessitated the purchase of a sprinkler for my newly seeded areas.

It will be interesting to see what summer brings. I look forward to the simple pleasure of getting dirty and sweating outdoors. There's plenty of painting and minor repairs, and we still need to clean the windows after the power washing spattered them. At the end of the day we love sitting on the porch with a cool drink watching day turn to night. Time slows.

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