Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Been busy...but still kind of bored

Weeds gone. Mulch in place. Note the silly faucet
 sticking out of the near basement window. Far
window has the dryer vent.  You can see the wall
wash light between the window and chimney
Job allowed me to get the tractor and
 trailer out for the first time.
We did finish the sun room (furniture and window treatments still pending) but have remained quite busy over the past few weeks working on projects, doing upgrades and maintenance. One of the bigger projects was tackling the abysmal excuse for a garden we have on the north side of the house and around the corner to the driveway. The other three sides have been improved, but this was such a tangled mess I was dragging my feet on it. First Assistant Cindy did the hard part, weeding while I did the raking and lugging of mulch. I very optimistically bought 4 bags of mulch, It turned out we needed 12 more. I could say that I grossly miscalculated, but I didn't calculate at all and just guessed so my wild optimism and pitiful lack of gardening experience resulted in miserable failure. Overall though it was a good job and it went well. The flowers that were already poking through will continue to grow while we have hopefully suppressed the weeds. It greatly improved the appearance of the house.

I also added 4 more landscape lights. 2 wall wash lights and 2 path lights. You have to be careful when adding lighting. Once you install the system, adding additional lighting is easy, so unless you limit yourself the house will look like an airport.

Another job that has been in the cue is to fix the faucet at the basement window. I mentioned last month that I replaced the pipe and faucet but failed to figure out a good way to attach it to the house, then left extra pipe until I did. Well I found a bracket that actually would work and finally cut the pipe to fit and we now have a rather nice looking outdoor faucet that works.

The next window over has the dryer vent and it has been nothing but a pain in my ass since the day we hooked up the dryer. Without rehashing the entire story, I'll just say that I switched to the old school solid, non-flexible dryer vent pipe (which is safer yet harder to find and install) and replaced the vent cap. I was very proud of my work until I found that after a few days of running the dryer the cap would fall off leaving a convenient entrance into our basement for many types of bugs and other critters. I finally figured out that the seam of the pipe was slowly expanding with use allowing the vent cap to fall off. Some crimping and professional grade aluminum tape finally fixed the problem.

The old beast 4 years ago. Lawn was
nasty back then.
As I mentioned above I fired up the tractor for the first time and that went well, but it was a different story for the old push mower. Apparently storing them at an angle is a bad idea. When I went to get it from it's spot, I saw that oil had been leaking out of the muffler for some time, making quite a mess. After some online research, I found that this can indeed happen and the solution could be easy, or maybe not. I was pretty sure I was going to need a new mower but after cleaning up the mess, then pulling the fouled spark plug and cleaning it, the old beast fired on the third pull belching blue smoke and spitting oil out the exhaust. I went ahead and started mowing and the exhaust cleared itself. All is well. Can't seem to kill that thing.

So obviously I did cut the lawn for the first time, but not before putting down fertilizer and crab grass killer. The directions said to apply and then water the equivalent of a half inch of rain and Binghamton said "hold my beer". No need to get the sprinkler out around here this spring. I double checked the forecast and just managed to find a dry day between deluges. Perfect.

The lawn is looking far better than when we moved in and we are happy about that. It will stay greener in the summer, even if it stops raining (HA HA).