Monday, November 2, 2015

Beating the bushes (non - political)

Chainsaw expert at work, 
In general I expect this blog to run in chronological order but I am going to skip over a few previous, on-going jobs to jump to something that just happened and created several comments on my Facebook page, that being the clearing of the overgrown shrubs from the property. The pictures are dramatic to be sure, and it was a high priority item for Cindy and I, but it was amazing to us how many positive comments we got on the work. Facebook friends and our new neighbors loved the improvement. Several of them stopped by to voice their approval, some rolled down car windows to shout out encouragement, and others gave a thumbs up as they drove by.

For starters, I couldn't have done it without the help of Bob Kocenko, Cindy's cousin. I asked him for help and he showed up Saturday with three chains saws, his monster dump truck, and a professional grade wood chipper. Also along with Bob was a helper who was an artist with the chain saws, managing to fell those huge cedars that we're intertwined with cable, phone, and electrical service lines, I did a lot of standing around at first, then began to drag the logs and branches over to Bob who was running the wood chipper. Cindy ran out for Down's Ave Tavern sausages, Brozetti's Pizza, and liquid refreshments. Around 1 PM, we were done, at least for the cutting and chipping. Bob would be back on Monday to pick up the leftover debris, and large logs. The original plan was to pull the trees out with the roots but after a survey we learned that the gas line was almost certainly intermingled with some of the bushes. Also, the roots of the large cedars extended under the porch and Bob was afraid that uprooting them could damage the house. So, at some point in the future we'll get a stump grinder to work on the leftovers.
Chipper and monster truck. Father-in-Law supervising. 

Monday came and Bob returned with his mini backhoe and dump truck and managed to pull out a few of the smaller bushes and pick up the remainders.

The operation sure brought out the neighborhood. Directly across the street Karen owns a two family she inherited from her father, that she meticulously maintains with her fiance Jerry. She is thrilled with the progress and happy to learn we will be living in the house, not renting it. She gave me a brief history of the neighborhood, Two houses up the street is the Park House Bed and Breakfast. Owner Pamela is also thrilled and said that she and her husband considered buying the house, but decided they had enough work to do in their retirement business. She invited us over to see her place after we move in. The next day, the owner of the two family next door, Will, also said he had been monitoring the house and was considering buying it if it sat much longer. He seems pleased that the house is being revealed and repaired.

Cindy and I are thrilled with the look of our house without the bushes and very grateful for the help from Bob, his helper, and Cindy's dad Gene in this important step forward.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So impressed with the progress and the motivation! Keep the posts coming! You can also invite me over any time for some cheap labor. I especially like to be paid in accurate storm updates while traveling the snowbelt for hockey, and of course, pinot grigio!
