Sunday, December 20, 2015

We moved in!!

With plenty of work still ahead, but a good amount behind, we finally moved into our (new) home this past Thursday. I'm kind of skipping over some projects on this update simply because I wanted everyone to know.

Moving into a home, after living in your previous one for 25 years, presents problems and issues that had not occurred to Cindy and me. Some very simple daily routines are completely different now. For example, for 25 years I walked in the house and put my jacket on the same hook. The first time I came into the new place, I realized I had no idea where to put it. I still don't. Also, we have no handy place to keep our recyclables. In the old house, you opened the back door and tossed them in the bin.

Headboard strapped to truck roof. Pro Tip: If you can't tie a
knot, tie a lot. 
There were some larger issues as well. Our queen box spring would not fit up the stairs. This has forced Cindy and I to sleep in our guest bed. FULL SIZE guest bed. Cozy. Then, like a hack scene from a bad sitcom, the bed collapsed during the night landing on my laptop computer and glasses (which were stored under the bed for the night). Miraculously, the Lenovo laptop seems fine, and my glasses, while bent at a funny angle, seem to be o.k. as well.

Also, the bathroom was not quite ready yet so we had to drive back six blocks to our old place to shower. While I don't have a picture, Cindy apparently drove back to the old house one morning wearing Christmas pajamas, knee high black boots, and a fake fur jacket. Must have been quite a sight.

Tearing down the home theater. *sob* It'll be months before I
get around to setting it up at the new house. That's Natasha
peering out from below.
The new gas range and refrigerator are in but we've been slow to bring any food over so meals have been a bit of a challenge. Internet and cable are in the new house, but it took me a day or so to get the modem, phone, and WiFi going.

We have a room on each floor set for what I've been calling staging. When we bring things over from the old house, they go into the staging room where Cindy can inspect and clean items before they are released to be welcomed into the new home. The only things to bypass staging were Natasha and our new kitty Katia. I couldn't have kept them in staging with an army of cat herders. Katia the intrepid explorer from the streets made herself at home almost immediately while poor Natasha, traumatized from the new cat and the move simply sat wide eyed under the Christmas tree for almost 24 hours before venturing out. She's much better now and ignoring the antics of Katia with a stiff upper lip like the Queen she is,

Katia seems pretty comfortable at the new house. What do
you think?
The downstairs staging room is also jammed with the queen box spring. Anybody want a nearly new box spring? Olum's is delivering a split set tomorrow so hopefully we will be in a safe and large bed this week. By the way, any potential visitors need not worry. I have repaired the bed frame and it should be damn near impossible for the bed to collapse now. I think.

That's enough silliness for now. Lots of updates coming including more plumbing issues (major), appliance delivery issues (minor), and further restorations (endless).

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